Standalone, single-file, editable Python scripts WITH DEPENDENCIES

How badly I wanted something like that?
The problem: Python for scripting
Beside programming and data science, I find Python to be a very useful glue language; I think it's great for shell replacement when bash/zsh scripts get too complex, but there's one caveat: as long as you can work with its standard library, you're in the sweet spot. As soon as you'd like to use an external dependency, that can be a problem, because if you don't want to contaminate your system with external dependencies, you'll either a) hope that your system packages a proper version for such library or b) start needing virtualenv and so on.
Both options are ok for manual development, a bit less ok if you're willing to deliver such scripts to multiple servers for automating some kind of process.
For sure, there're many options to fully package a Python executable - PyInstaller comes to my mind, but other exist. But then you've got a kind of "build process" for your script, and you cannot edit it directly on a server. But I find that, very often, for internal tasks and scripts, my process is exactly that: I do edit the script on the server, then, when I get it right, I copy it on my version control system and deliver it to other machines. Yes, I wouldn't do the same for "real" software, but as I said, those are often internal scripts, used for reporting, cron jobs, other small automated tasks.
The solution: editable python scripts with isolated dependencies
So what? That's what I baked. Not a perfect solution, but a decent one. Just have python and pip on your system, add a REQUIREMENTS string (equivalent to the content from requirements.txt), then import everything.
This will install the dependencies in separate location in a temporary directory at first use, then reuse them when necessary.
So: just copy & paste the following snippets, edit the two USER SERVICEABLE
sections, then start writing your desired code at the bottom. The snippet here includes an example of how to run requests
, so you can just delete the requirements, imports and requests call at the bottom if you don't need that.
import os
import sys
from tempfile import gettempdir, NamedTemporaryFile
import hashlib
# USER SERVICEABLE: paste here your requirements.txt
# the recommendation is to create a development virtualenv,
# install the deps with pip inside it, then do a `pip freeze`
# and paste the output here
def add_custom_site_packages_directory(raise_if_failure=True):
digest = hashlib.sha256(REQUIREMENTS.encode("utf8")).hexdigest()
dep_root = os.path.join(gettempdir(), "pyallinone_{}".format(digest))
os.makedirs(dep_root, exist_ok=True)
for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dep_root):
if dirpath.endswith(os.path.sep + "site-packages"):
# that's our dir!
sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(dirpath))
return dep_root
if raise_if_failure:
raise ValueError("could not find our site-packages dir")
return dep_root
dep_root = add_custom_site_packages_directory(False)
deps_installed = False
while True:
# USER SERVICEABLE: import all your required deps in this block! and keep the break at the end!
import requests
except ImportError:
if deps_installed:
raise ValueError("Something was broken, could not install dependencies")
from pip import main as pipmain
except ImportError:
from pip._internal import main as pipmain
with NamedTemporaryFile() as req:
pipmain(["install", "--prefix", dep_root, "--upgrade", "--no-cache-dir", "--no-deps", "-r",])
deps_installed = True
# HERE you can start writing the actual code of your script
r = requests.get("")
How does this work?
- It creates a subdir in the directory where temporary files are held on your filesystem, and downloads the dependencies there using
. Such subdir name is autogenerated depending on your requirements - so, if your requirements change, a new directory is employed. - Then, it adds such directory to your
, allowing Python to find modules and packages there. - When you restart the script, it first tries to find the libraries that were previously downloaded, and only if that fails it goes downloading the libraries again.
- Of course the target system must have internet access, at least to pypi or github or other vcs (depending on your requirements format), and python and pip must be installed.
- If your requirements change, nothing deletes files in your temp directory. But that's usually sweeped at system boot or by cronjobs, so it's not a real problem. BUT: if your cronjob only partially sweeps files in the subdir, it could break something (check if anything like that exists on your system, I can remember some older Redhat/Centos doing that).
- If your packages have binary dependencies and/or require to build extensions, you still need the shared libs (for runtime) AND the proper header files / -dev packages. There's no silver bullet for that in this recipe.
Photo by Milan Popovic on Unsplash